Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Trump Network – Things We Can Learn From Donald Trump

We can learn a lot of things from looking at the Trump Network. Donald Trump has gone through many ups and downs. Most of his triumphs and failures have played out right in front of the public's eye. Yet he always seems to bounce back from whatever it is that had him down. There are lessons we can learn from the rise and fall and rise again nature of Mr. Trump.

Do not get too comfortable when you are at the top. When Donald Trump was at the top of his game he seemed to have it all. I am sure he never suspected that his empire would come tumbling down like it did. Be sure that you continue to work hard and always have a Plan B, just in case your initial plan doesn't work out.

Donald Trump used all of his assets to help him get back on top. When his empire crashed the first time, he used his business knowledge and contacts to create the show The Apprentice. This helped catapult him right back into the limelight. If he did not have the inner fortitude to get up and try again, that show might not even exist. The phrase, "You're fired," might not get the same reaction it does today. When life knocks you down use whatever skills and contacts you have to get you back on your feet again.

Never allow circumstances to dictate how far you go in life. If life throws you a curve ball, use your bat to hit a home run. There is no obstacle so big you can't overcome it. Surround yourself with the right people, and you will have the support you need to bounce back from any adversity life hands you.